In the body is a process by which the body burns calories and convert them into useful energy. high metabolic rate uses the energy stored in the form of fat. Metabolism to some extent depends on: -
a) body structure (our genes, our health conditions).
b) depends on our day-to-day schedule, our day-to- day activities.
c) depends on our age.
d) depends on the type of food we have. beware: Pills tag "fat burning", "increases metabolism" does not work for long periods. They disturb your digestive system. to increase the metabolic rate,
a) must must must do ..... exercise. doing regular exercise uses the extra calories and in turn increases the metabolic rate. all.muscle most important buildings and aerobics is one way to increase the metabolic rate. know more muscle building workouts and exercises
b) diet also plays a major role. right foods do increase your metabolism. Taking the proper food at the proper time in the proper nutrition increases the metabolic rate. Make sure you have your breakfast this set up momentum for the day. other wise you are starving yourself which is decreasing your metabolic rate. even number of calories per day for a great body is 1,200 calories.
c) Do not be duped by fake pills. keep patience and follow normal workout.
d) Try to eat more carbohydrates. it shoots up your metabolic rate.
e) avoid alcohol. f) park further away and walk. Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible. walk to the post office instead of getting in the car. Take your dog on a daily walk. do more work around the house to burn energy instead of wasting money on pills and potions that do not work.
g) incorporate a walking routine to increase the metabolism of at least three to four times a week. Walk 30 to 40 minutes per hour. This is the best way to increase your metabolism. The magic key lies in walking or running on the treadmill as per your body need. You cant get any better than this.
h) is committed to eating smaller meals at regular intervals. Prepare meals in advance and take it with you. Never eat sporadically and plan each meal. The common mistake is to skip meals and eat too little during the day.
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