It is imperative to take the day "fast" protein. Balanced option - hydrolysed whey protein, or it is the cheapest option - isolate. Take the protein throughout the day; it is necessary so that the muscle tissue was continuously building material.
Normally, to achieve the desired result is used 4-5 doses of "fast" protein, which is necessary to take a half to two hours prior to training (approximately 20 - 30) and immediately after (30 - 40 g). In the event that a long break between food intakes, it is much better to apply well in advance "slow" protein, which will provide a long entry into the bloodstream and muscle amino acids.
The question about what will be required if the proteins before workouts, and sometimes controversial. In fact, the reception is not very large volumes of the product for 2 hours before exercise makes muscles the best trained, they are willing to endure the most active and long overload. Protein intake after school is very important.
Between loads might expenditure of enzymes and receptors, protein hormones breakdown of muscle protein, loss of glycogen. It all needs to be filled, which is very well suited "fast" protein an hour after his admission are allowed to eat a simple meal. They say, in fact receiving food at night contributes to obesity.
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